Run Issue 22 January/February 1987 (Danish)

IC_Run_Issue_022_(1987-01-02)IC Run, Issue 22, January/February 1987 is out.

Notice the name change from Run to IC Run, this could have happend in Issue 21, but I don’t have this magazine.

Update: I was wrong, I had named my scans of Issue 21 as Issue 31, Issue 21 was uploaded the 14th of Juni 2014 to the site.

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About Carsten Jensen

Carsten is a Commodore enthusiast with the goal of preserving as much Commodore information as possible, whether it being hardcopy or digital. Besides scanning for this site, he also dumps tapes and disks for preservation.

5 thoughts on “Run Issue 22 January/February 1987 (Danish)

  1. Fra forrige blad (Nr. 12 December 1986):
    Vi byder læserne velkommen til vort nye,
    samlede IC RUN, hvor alle læserne vil nyde
    godt af sammenlægningen. Udover at
    vi nu kan give dig et bedre og flottere
    blad, vil prisen være lavere for RUN-læserne,
    mens IC’s læsere nu får et månedsblad,
    der bortset fra januar og juli vil
    komme 10 gange årligt.

    Super godt arbejde Tomse, keep it up. 🙂

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