About Carsten Jensen

Carsten is a Commodore enthusiast with the goal of preserving as much Commodore information as possible, whether it being hardcopy or digital. Besides scanning for this site, he also dumps tapes and disks for preservation.

Tekno Amiga (Danish)










Tekno Amiga – Danish version of the manuals, thanks to Jan Charington Klein. This set is quite unique and most likely rare – I’ve recently acquired a set without box and manuals thinking it would probably be the only leftovers in existance in Denmark, luck would have it that a complete set recently appeared and was bought by a friend.

Box and software will appear on this site on a later date.
Some pictures of the box can be seen here.

e5frog has also recently made the Swedish version available.

Happy Birthday RCEU

Today it’s 10 years ago the first post, and publication, was added to the site. I would call this day a birthday. So happy birthday RCEU.

If time would have permitted it, I would have added something special – originally from Sweden but translated to Danish. I hope to get a little time to add it this weekend.