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Retro Commodore

C64 Hardware Manuals

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Analog Digital konverter
til Commodore 64

Link: Download - 1.72 MB
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Universal Cartridge

Link: Download - 207.41 KB
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8K Cartridge

Link: Download
Status: Remote link
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Cartridge Guide

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Status: Remote link
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Cartridge Schematics

Link: Download - 263.16 KB
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BlackBox v4
Betjenings vejledning

Link: Download - 613.19 KB
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Final II Cartridge
Instrukcja obslugi

Link: Download - 3.68 MB
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BlackBox v4 Manual

Link: Download - 6.9 MB
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WordCraft 40
For the CBM 64

Link: Download - 15.61 MB
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COPY 2000

Link: Download - 463.28 KB
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Link: Download - 427.51 KB
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Expert Cartridge Manual v3.5

Link: Download - 1.95 MB
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Expert Cartridge Update v4.1

Link: Download - 822.3 KB
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Expert Cartridge Manual v3.5

Link: Download - 1.81 MB
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Cinemaware Corporation
Warp Speed

Link: Download - 920.24 KB
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Commodore 64
Opereating System
User's Guide

Link: Download - 20.6 MB
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1351 User's Manual

Link: Download - 4.93 MB
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1764 RAM Expansion Module
User's Guide

Link: Download - 7.05 MB
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4801 Magic Desk

Link: Download - 414.24 KB
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BTX Decoder Modul II

Link: Download - 1.38 MB
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BTX Decoder Modul II

Link: Download - 1.88 MB
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C64 Diagnostic

Link: Download - 108.11 KB
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Introducing the
Commodore CDTV/P
Status: Unavailable
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Magic Voice
Speech Module

Link: Download - 4.2 MB
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Music Composer

Link: Download - 5.43 MB
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Music Machine

Link: Download - 4.87 MB
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Simons BASIC 64
Modul Version

Link: Download - 2.98 MB
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Action Replay 6
Erweiterungs Disk

Link: Download - 1.22 MB
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Action Replay 6
Instruction Manual

Link: Download - 3.44 MB
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Action Replay 6
Utility Disk

Link: Download - 1.24 MB
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6 thoughts on “C64 Hardware

  1. I still have a lot of books from the Commodore computers, most of them in dutch, a few in english and german.
    I also have hardware from C64, Vic20 and Amiga.

    I would appreciate some tips how to scan this stuff in the best way.

    • Hello Jos.

      Depending on how the spine of the books are, there are different methods.
      Ring, spiral, plastic ring, staples and glued.

      Rings, spiral and plastic ring and staples can easily be removed, and refastended. With staples you might need a staple machine that is large enough to cover the page, I have a 30cm long stapler, which is also suitable for the magazines.

      For books that have a glued spine there are 2 options.
      * Cut the spine away with a knife, use a straight piece of metal like a steel ruler for better results.
      * Book scanner.

      * Flatten the pages as much as possible when scanning on a flat bed scanner. I use a hobby cutting board, and when it’s really bad, a pack of paper on top of that.
      * Scan in 600dpi or more.
      * for text, black and white only scan in line art.

      post scanning, I can recommend that you adjust white balancing. Colour range is lost when scanning. white paper becomes light gray, black becomes dark gray.

      Then I’m using Scantailor -a free open source program- to straigten and adjust page scans.

  2. Hello! Useful information you have on your site. I see you have Greenshields book “Mastering the Commodore 64”. Would you know by any chance where I could get a copy of his other book “Mastering Machine Code on Your Commodore 64”, either the actual book or a PDF? Thanks!

  3. I can’t say this often enough, but thanks for having this information available. I am still running a couple of Amiga computers, and although I haven’t looked at in some time, I still have my original C64 and C128.

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