Thanks to Tom Petersen, another VIC Computing magazine sees the light of day. Christmas 1981 which might be the first of this magazine.
Category Archives: English Magazine
CU Amiga Magazine Issue 72 – 1996 Feb
Vic Computing Vol 1 Issue 6
Vic Computing Vol 1 Issue 5
Vic Computing Vol 1 Issue 3
Amiga Active Issue 18
I wasn’t going to do any scans today, but while cooking dinner, I tuned in on SlayRadio, which just started a show. GurtyGurt from the Commodore news site Commodore is Awesome is the host (yeah, the show is still on while typing this), inspired me to do a little work.
I’ve been doing a lot of Danish stuff of late, but in GurtyGurt’s honour I did an English magazine.
Commodore Free Issue 86
Commodore Free Issue 86 is added. Don’t forget to check out for more cool stuff.
Amiga Format Issues 69, 70, 72, 75, 78, 85
Kiwi over at has been very busy in adding new Amiga Format issues. 6 issues in a few days only.
If you like what he’s doing, please make a donation on his site, even the smallest donation helps!.