Network installation on the Amiga

Network installation guide for the Amiga

Version 1.1


Mui Installation
Prism2v2 – Wireless driver
3Com 589
NE2000 compatible
Miami 3.2 TCP/IP Stack installation
* Install Miami Keys
* Configure miami
* Apply configuration



The installation of network stack, drivers etc isn’t all that bad once you know how things should be done. But it can be quite confusing if you haven’t tried it before.

The primary focus on this document is getting wireless network up running, but I’ll cover wired network as well.

I’ve chosen the Miami 3.x version for this guide to cover 68000 binaries. The MiamiDX package requires a 68020+ processor, but feel free to use this instead, the Installation procedure is almost identical.

The author of Miami has OK’ed that the software be used freely, something about he lost the code generator or source or something. There is a nice website named Keyring where the keys for this software can be downloaded. Though I’ve also added them to the AIO Package below.


You’ll need to download a few things off aminet, + getting some keys. I’ll also provice a full download package, but make note that this package might not be up to date if a new driver/package is updated on aminet.

You should already have a running Operating System, preferably OS31. Installer43_3 from aminet, lha to extract packages. Directory Opus or Diskmaster are useful too.

I will only cover the MUI based installation of the Miami TCP/IP stack.

So do a search on for the following files (do remember I’ve compiled a full package with everything and provided a download link further down):


All in One Package (this is all you need)

==> Network-PCMCIA-AIO (4MB) <==

Or you can download each package individually.

Lower you can find some Internet software packages which might be useful to you.

TCP/IP Stack

You’ll need the registration keys too.

Download the Miami 3.0 keys from here:

Search for Description:
Miami32b-000 68000/10 binary (Unexpanded A1000/2000/500/600)
Miami32b-020 68020/30/40/60 binary (A1200/3000/4000)
Miami32b2-main Main package
Miami32b-MUI MUI interface

Network drivers – Select only the one you need, and you can skip the installation for those sections.

Search for Description:
cnetdevice NE2000 compatible
3c589 3Com 589 pcmcia
prism2 WEP compatible wireless – Use prism2v2 if possible.
prism2v2 WEP/WPA/WPA2 compatible wireless

MiamiDX (Deluxe) for 68020+ processors (also included in the AIO package)
Download the MiamiDX keys from here:

Search for Description:
MiamiDx10cmain Main package
MiamiDX10c-mui MUI interface

Internet Software

Search for Description:
AWEB Lite v3.5.09 Webbrowser for 68000
AmiFTP FTP Client
AmIRC IRC client for 68020+
AmIRC (68000 binary) IRC client binary for the AmIRC package above. Just overwrite the contents of the full package with this package.

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Extract the packages

As I mentioned earlier you should already have a running system with lha, installer43_3 (search aminet for selfextracting package, and installer43_3). The following images show the extraction using Directory Opus (all Miami packages needs to be extracted into the same folder).

If you’ve downloaded my compiled packaged you can skip this step and just extract that package.

For 68020+ processors

For 68000/10 processors

Extracting MUI

Extracting Prism2v2 (other drivers needs extracting the same way, you get the point I hope)


MUI Installation

The Miami package has a couple of frontends, but I’ve chosen MUI as I’ve seen this requirement more often than any of the other choices.

The MUI package is a framework for developers to make it easier to make a GUI, it is also required for using the software created for MUI, kinda the same as Microsoft’s .net framework, JAVA etc.

If you already know how to install a program, or it’s already installed (if you’re using ClassicWB) you can skip this section. It is really simple, but I’m providing screenshots of the procedure anyway.
You can click here to jump to next section.

Navigate to the extraction folder


Double click on the “Install Mui” icon








a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011523-01No thank you, we don’t want the samples

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011524-01Proceed, Proceed, Proceed.. I warned you. It’s so simple.
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Installing Prism2v2

This is almost as easy as installing MUI, though you’ll have some options here, like entering the SSID + Passphrase.





This is where you enter your SSID – Make sure you enter the correct one as you’d otherwise either need to re-encrypt the combined passphrase, or just do what’s easier. Reinstall this package and enter the correct info again.

And the passphrase for the SSID



the config file for this setup is ENVARC:Sys/Wireless.prefs If you edit the SSID manually you’ll need to re-encrypt again (not covered in this installation guide).

<– Back to top | Miami 3.2 TCP/IP Stack installation –>

3Com 589 driver

There is an Installer with this driver.

008 009 010And you’re done.. easy isn’t it?

<– Back to top | Miami 3.2 TCP/IP Stack installation –>

NE2000 compatible driver

This one has to be copied by hand, copy from the extracted directory of the cnet driver Devs/Networks. Choose the cnet.device and copy to Devs:Networks.007<– Back to top | Miami 3.2 TCP/IP Stack installation –>

Installation of Miami 3.2

Now would be a good time to restart the Amiga with the netcard inserted.

Next is the installation of Miami (MiamiDX is quite similar).


I don’t want to install Miami to the root of the drive, so I’m creating a new folder “Internet” – The location is up to you though.

Here I’ll place the Miami folder.

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011534-03For 68020+ processors (A1200/3000/4000)

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011534-06For 68000/10 (A1000/2000/500/600 unexpanded)

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011534-07Yes please we’d like some Icons (I prefer standard icons)

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011534-27Since we only installed the MUI package, deselect the rest.



a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011535-04Yes please, make the assign for us.

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011535-05Again yes please. If you don’t have enough ram you can choose to “skip this part” but then you’ll need to manually enter the required info every time you’ll need network access.


a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011536-02Ok, last step and the installation is finished.

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011536-03Back to top

Install Miami keys

Time to copy the keyfiles to the directory where we installed Miami.
a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011545-01Back to top

Configuring Miami


a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011546-02Start MiamiInit – this will create the config file we need


a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011548-02Choose Ethernet

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011548-03For the Wireless network write “prism2.device” – Miami already know the path

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011548-05For the 3Com 589 PCMCIA card – 3c589.device

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011549-01For any NE2000 compatible PCMCIA netcards – cnet.device

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011550-01After the correct driver has been chosen the installation can proceed.

001If the DHCP works you should receive IP, subnetmask, gateway and DNS, all you need to do is press enter. Otherwise you’ll have to manually input the correct info.


003The name of the computer, it can be anything you like.

004The most important here is to remove the checkmark for print information sheet. And fill out Real name/User name with something, anything.


Applying Miami configuration

Start up Miami

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011601-01If you copied the registration keys correctly you’ll see this registration screen.

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011601-02The config needs importing, so click the import button.

a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011601-03The fields should already be filled out, if they aren’t, navigate to the Miami directory and open MiamiInit.config


a1200os31hdd-crop-1501011602-02Thats it. Now all you need to do is press “Online” and you’re online


002Ok, this window won’t disappear once you’ve gone online, so we’ll make it do that. Click on the events in the left side menu.

003In the Start section, click auto-online, this will make Miami go online when the application is started.

004Right click on the menu saying “Keep GUI” and select “Hide GUI”, you can also try “Kill GUI”

005Rightclick on a non input area of Miami and you’ll get the menu in the top, Save the settings.

006Now close Miami and restart the program again to check that it works. Miami should open up and minimize to an icon on the desktop.

The final setup showing Googles page on the 1. Jan 2015, the A1200 with wireless adapter.


17 thoughts on “Network installation on the Amiga

  1. I have the amikit easynet kit for a couple of years and I have tried many configurations and nothing, I did not get it and I think that thanks to your great tutorial, I will be able to finally connect my 1200, my knowledge is a bit limited in this theme, thank you very much really

    drummer wicked peace!

  2. Typo:
    In the download section for Internet Software, the Description for “AWEB Lite v3.5.09” should be “Webbrowser for 68000” (and not “Webbrowser for 680000”)

    • Thanks for the corrections, they are fixed now. It appears that the 68020+ binary is removed from aminet for some reason. Unfortunately I don’t have it stored locally 🙁

  3. I too have the amikit easynet kit like mentioned here, the cable version, not wireless, but I can’t get it to work. I’ve tried both Miami and MiamiDx but I never get link with my netgear switch.

    I’ve tried both static and DHCP configuration, I made sure the cable itself works and that the pins on the card connects to the ethernet connector pins.
    I use the 3COM driver, tried the CNET driver too but then it fails to initialize.

    I use the ClassicWB LITE install from here and I have a Phase 5 Blizzard 1200/4 with 4MB RAM.

    I haven’t tried the card in a PC though, not sure I can get my hands on a laptop with PCMCIA port.

    Any clues to what might be wrong?

  4. I liked the article here on the web. by chance have you thought or done an update using roadshow as the stack? i am having issues with getting my A4000 with the zz9000 and roadshow completely online. i dont know what i have done wrong in this. (i have posted in dicord amiga general) looking for insights…(shadowrider). as i dont have too much knowledge in the setting up of networks, i may have some configs done incorrect, and also some old versions of software.

    • Thank you. I don’t own a zz9000 myself, though I could do a roadshow guide with a different netcard, though I’m thinking there may be a ton of youtube tutorials for roadshow and zz9000? otherwise let me know and I’ll see what I can do in the near future.

  5. This tutorial helped me making the finishing touch on my CDTV with a Pistorm and the newly developed wifipi.device for the Emu68 emulator.

    I´ve had my CDTV since 1993 but never before have I been able to use it on a network – Samba shares works fine as well, making it a breeze to transfer files, make backups, etc.

    Thanks for this great tutorial!

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