Tag Archives: comal
Beginning COMAL
Comal Problemløsning og Programmering + Programhæfte (Danish)
Leroy’s Cheat Sheet keyboard overlay for Comal 80
Manual for FOODMAN, Et computerspil om kost og sundhed
Comal 80 cartridge for C128 (Danish)
A rare gem, the commercial for Comal 80 cartridge for C128.
Thanks to DDHF.
Amiga Comal Danish
Thanks to Uffe Jakobsen, Thomas Viborg and DDHF, the Danish Amiga Comal manual for the Amiga is now made available.
Comal 80 – C64 manual
Amiga Comal (UniComal) is now added
The Amiga Comal manual is now released.
There’s a small story with this one.
A collegue of mine at the museum, was collecting Comal stuff and asked me if Comal existed for the Amiga, just the week before this I aquired this software with manual, so I could gladly tell him that it did. I was at the same time scanning the Amiga Interface magazines, and a mere 20 min later of his question, I saw an article in one of the later magazines. Call that coincidence?
This manual comes in a box, with an insert of a binder, good quality stuff.
I’ve added the separator pages which is wider than the regular pages.
Amiga Interface is now online
I’ve started a new site for which I want to share my scanned material. I used to contribute to an other site, but as they’ve set a target income for quite a lot of money, for which they have no expenses, I really don’t want to contribute there anymore. I feel it’s a hoax to lure money out of people.
For now I’ll be using WordPress, which will be until I code something better, easier and simpler, or I find a proper way of handling the scans inside WP. This site will not only contain magazines, but also scans for other commodore related machines.
Please don’t get confused if changes appear during the next few months.